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  • Karup Creek
  • Køge Creek
  • Tryggevælde Creek
  • Karlstrup Put & Take Lake
  • MS Havlit Øresund
  • Varde Creek
  • Gudenå
  • Kongeå
  • Henne Mill Creek
  • Hvide Sande
  • Accommodation
    Beautiful sea trout from Køge Bay in early spring
    Beautiful sea trout from Køge Bay in early spring
    Please use my Guestbook

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    Karup Creek

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  • Restaurant Trandum and Lystfisker Camping
  • Falhedevej 1
  • 7800 Skive
  • Mobil: +45 42 19 05 97
  • Web Site
  • e-mail: Restaurant Trandum and Lystfisker Camping
  • Sponsor Space? Send me an e-mail.

    Here you can rent huts for 4 people at very reasonable prices. There is also an opportunity on the 1. floor in the main building to rent a flat for 6 persons. You must bring your own sleeping bag.

    Service, pots and pans are available in the common kitchen. A lovely place to be, is not far away from the zone 3 and 4. Proviant can be purchased in "Brugsen" by Hagebro. I myself have been there several times with good fishing friends, and we like to come back.

    But remember, it's been many years since I was last there. There have been many new initiatives, Restaurant and music festival, so go to the website and find the new initiatives.

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    Køge Creek

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  • Køge Sportsfiskerforening
  • Cashier
  • Dennis Petersen
  • e-mail: Cashier
  • Rivers in Denmark connected to the Internet License Sale
    Rivers in Denmark connected to the Internet License Sale

    Sponsor Space? Send me an e-mail.

    Would you like to fish in Køge Creek, you may contact the Cashier Dennis Petersen on Phone 56 27 53 31 or on the association's e-mail: Køge Sportsfiskerforening and join in the association. However, it is permitted to fish in the river which runs through the city from the road bridge at the post office and downstream to railway bridge without fishing license. But remember the mandatory fishing license for the goverment at a price of 120.00 DKK.

    News: Køge Sportsfiskerforening is connected to the Internet License Sale, where you can buy fishing license for several rivers in Denmark.

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    Tryggevælde Creek

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    May I come up with some good advice, in case you catch a good trout for the smoke oven, buy from saxo these two books: Kringelbach's Salt and Smoke Book and Preben Madsen's Salting and Smoking. You will find really many good recipes. Go up and find these books on saxo's search engine and buy them by email. It's fast and cheap. Search for: Kringelbach: Salt and Smoke Book and Preben Madsen: Salting and Smoking.

    Digital map of KSF Fishing waters.

  • Statoil Servicecenter
  • Strandvejen 86
  • 4600 Køge
  • Phone 56 65 30 83

  • DK Tanken
  • Kirkehøj 2
  • Vallø, 4600 Køge
  • Phone 56 26 73 62
  • Who wrote this sign?        Seatrout 2.2 kg and 58 cm
    What does the word "BÜLTIGER" in German?
    Short and thick sea trout male caught at the sluice September, 26. 2008 at 11.00

    Statoil is situated across the Hotel White House, it is on the way to the fishing grounds when you come from Køge. This is also where Vallø Camping who rent cabins is situated. I have not tried these huts, because I live near Tryggevælde Creek.

    Are you coming the other way around, then you'll find DK Tank in Vallø, which has many grocery and has long time open on Sundays and Holidays.

    News: Køge Sportsfiskerforening is connected to the Internet License Sale, where you can buy fishing license for several rivers in Denmark.

    The translator has probably not been fully awake, which must obviously be "GÜLTIGER". Here are several translations into other languages:

    Polish: Wedkarstwo bez waznej licencji polowowej nie jest dozwolone

    Romanian: Pescuitul fara licenta de pescuit valabila, nu este permis

    Croatian: Ribolov bez valjanih ribolov nije dopušten

    Turkish: Geçerli avcilik ruhsati olmadan Balikçilik izin verilmiyor

    Latin: Piscandi sine valet piscandi licentia est non liceat

    Albanian: Peshkimi pa licencë peshkimi vlefshme nuk lejohet

    Latvian: Zveja bez derigas zvejas licences, nav atlauta

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    Karlstrup Put & Take

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  • Q8 Service
  • Motelvej 1
  • 2690 Karlslunde
  • Exit 30
  • By Niels Glarbo
  • Phone: 56 14 29 44
  • Fig. 1          Fig. 2          Fig. 3
    Preparing the grill for smoked and grilled fish. Here a huge Rainbow trout from Karlstrup.

    You must present yourselves, but not before 3 days before you want fishing license, and you can only buy 2 fishing license. Max 2 fish per person and per day. Application form for the club please contact the treasurer Gunnar Plambeck, Mellemvang 16, 2680 Solrød strand, Phone: 56 14 19 61. Costing DKK 100.00, which in turn reimbursed by enrollment. Insert DKK 100.00 at BG Bank Account 0227-2270001222 and REMEMBER NAME and ADDRESS on the payment.

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    MS Havlit Øresund

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    FLS Sportsfiskerforening sailed on the good ship MS Havlit from Helsingør. There was always nice breakfast at all FLS Sports Fishing Association tours. Now the participants are limited, so the association has found other ships with fewer seats. See sailing on FLS Sportsfiskerforening site and purchase your tour card here. Remember you can bring a guest if there is room.

    Are you fly fishing?

    Then Tina got her summer cod of almost 4 kg inboard. I am on the picture behind with sea trout of 1.4 kg caught on a green pirk. It was on the good ship MS "Tina" in 1992. Sea trout brought me a 1st. premium in the form of a Daiwa GS-60 multi-sea-reel.
    Here is Tina's large 4 kg cod. I stand with a sea trout caught on a green pirk on the image behind.
    Tina's large 4 kg cod

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    Varde Creek

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    Sponsor Space? Send me an e-mail.
    The last fishing tackle shop in Varde is closed, so you have to go to Esbjerg,
    if you need to buy new equipment.

    The salmon on the white box on the left is also caught by a Jens, but from Tarm.
    It was caught in April 2006 - 116 cm and 16.14 kg. Condition factor 1.03.
    Jens from Varde sent me this picture to the right and he tells something about his big salmon from the summer of 2005. I caught the salmon Tuesday August, 9. just before noon when I was out fishing with some of the "Old Vardenser". In the fishing season we are going fishing every Tuesday. We meet quite informally by the clubhouse, and then find out where we would fish. This day we went upstream Varde city. The salmon was caught in the "Laksesvinget", and measured 106 cm and weighed 11.4 kg and was caught on a 16 gram Toby spoon. Conditioning Factor 0.957, very good for salmon.
    Jens with his Varde salmon of 11,4 kg

    Feel free to visit VSF clubhouse and inquire about the good fishing spots in Varde Creek, because there are many depending on the season. Should you go west on - downstream Varde - or upstream Varde. Yes! it depends a lot on the season. If you come in the spring - from 16. April - there can be so much water in the meadows that you can not get out to the river, so go upstream to "Brune Banke" or "Hvide Banke" preferably further - to where Skonager Lilleå flows into Varde Creek. Another option is to park the car at the northern bypass and fish upstream with Mepps 4 to 5 spinners and preferably deep, and then go downstream again with worm, then you have also spent a whole day.

    Read this information page about VSF. Fishing permits can be purchased online Fiskekort.DK.

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    Langå Camping

    Click Sponsor logo and find the prices for accommodation in tents or huts and fishing license prices.
    When you are living at Langå camping is nearby to fish on the stretch between the two railway bridges in Langå. It is one of the god and most popular fishing stretches. Here stops all the sea trout, which must go into Lilleåen to spawn. And it is more than half of all the sea trout doing so.

    I have fished there twice, the first time in August 2004 and again in June 2006, but I have not been as lucky as my neighbor - Pia from Fyn - in June 2006 she took a nice sea trout of 3.87 kg around the outlet of Lilleåen into Gudenåen. Pia took it on a Mepps Spinner. All good things come in threes. I must try again with our "Danske Spinner", similar to the Mepps Spinner.

    NB: The campsite has been sold, the Reception will be held on 26 May 2022 from 13 to 17, come and say goodbye to Birthe and Ervin and say hello to the new owners Lena and Miki Fjordbak Tinggaard Andersen.
    28/05-2022 Ladies Breakfast
    25/06-2022 Pig Grill party at 17:00
    Pia was our neighbor on the campsite
    Pia was our neighbor on the campsite

    Photo & Text: Jørgen Walter

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  • Bækvej 39
  • Villebøl
  • 6760 Ribe
  • Mobile: +45 30 68 35 04

  • The reception and one of the cabins
    The reception and one of the cabins
    On 15 December 2003, Eva and Allan took over 'Villesbøl Kongeå Camping', which then changed its name to 'Kongeå Camping'. Allan is the daily manager of the campsite, at the same time he is also an angler. The campsite has again been taken over by a new owner - Hans Christian - and has changed its name to 'Kongeå Camping og Kano'. However, I have not visited the site after the last new owner, but I know that there have been many improvements since Hans Christian joined.

    Kongeå Camping is located right next to Kongeåen with 200 meters of free fishing for overnight guests. They also sell fishing licenses for the surrounding streams: Kongeåen, Sneum creek and Holsted creek.

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    Henne Mill creek

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    Fishing license purchased at Grocer Hansen Henne Strand The first small smolt.
Main Street in Henne Strand.
    Would you like to fish upstream from the footbridge by the sea, you need a fishing license. You purchase fishing license at Købmand Hansen in Henne Strand. It gives the right to fish from the footbridge and up to the junction of the southern and northern ring channel. The Consortium A/S Fiil-Lake has the fishing rights to the river on this stretch. If one fined smolt in the creek, there also has been large salmon in the creek. Fishing time is from January, 16. so the possibility of a "Grøndlænder" is present.

    You'll find the creek by running to the left 1 km before you get to Henne Strand. It says Filsø and Grærup on signposts. After 500 meters you get to the creek where the above sign is located. Here you turn right on gravel road 100 meters ahead and run straight to the end at Henne Mølle Creek Badehotel and the footbridge. Do you have small children, it is a good destination in the summer, and they can play in the big dunes. Bring a packed lunch and drinks or dine at the hotel.

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    Silde festival i Hvide Sande

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    May I come up with some good advice, in case you catch a good trout for the smoke oven, buy from saxo these two books: Kringelbach's Salt and Smoke Book and Preben Madsen's Salting and Smoking. You will find really many good recipes. Go up and find these books on saxo's search engine and buy them by email. It's fast and cheap. Search for: Kringelbach: Salt and Smoke Book and Preben Madsen: Salting and Smoking.

    Bork Port
    Honestly - it is not Hvide Sande Port - I had a trip around Ringkøbing Fjord and took this panoramic picture of the Bork Port. An idyllic port located in the southern part of Ringkøbing Fjord, well protected for the North Sea roar.

    I must at the Herring Festival in 2008, take some pictures of Hvide Sande Port. In the meantime you can of course enter the Herring Festival website and read about the event with prizes up to DKK 30,000.00 with a start fee at only 135.00 DKK.

    I was back to the Herring Festival in Hvide Sande, April, 26. 2008. Caught many small herring and took many pictures, but Oh my G.., my digital camera did not work. The pictures were over- illuminated and without color and could not be used. Now the question is, purchase a new or it can be repaired and at what price? I have bought a new camera, Canon Power Shot A590IS, which I am very pleased of. It takes better pictures and more power saving than the old Konica.

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